Rebirth of T-rex

Does dinosaur really extinct? What caused the dinosaur to vanish? Have you ever wonder whether the real 'you' is disappearing and slowly vanishing? Hope that through this blog, we will be able to maintain the real self.

Points to Ponder

Posted by T-rex Lim Huat Heng

Points to Ponder
Try to answer the following question honestly:

Have you ever wonder what will happen if you stop working/can't work anymore from today onwards?
What have you done to prepare yourself for that?

Great Advise
Plan your day as if tomorrow never ends, but act as if tomorrow never comes.


Anonymous said...

:) doin eveyday.

Unknown said...

I think buying Insurance is one of the way to protect our future.

If one day I have no work/can't work & without insurance (without planning), but I still believe "奇迹的出现。因为天无绝人之路。"

Therefore, to avoid this kind of this to be happened, then I should start to plan it now..heheh~~

Anonymous said...

When you were born, everybody around you was smiling, but you were crying; when you are going, everybody around is crying, but you are smiling. This is life circulation. People can never prepare properly for the end. --from Vivian