Rebirth of T-rex

Does dinosaur really extinct? What caused the dinosaur to vanish? Have you ever wonder whether the real 'you' is disappearing and slowly vanishing? Hope that through this blog, we will be able to maintain the real self.

Law of Leadership

Posted by T-rex Lim Huat Heng

Leadership has always been an important element to achieve success and lately I have read a lot about it. Just to share some interesting points with you here.

John Maxwell has defined 21 laws of leadership, in which the following are the first 4 which I quoted from him:

1) Law of the Lid:
- The leadership ability determines the level of effectiveness.
- Personal success without leadership limits your effectiveness.
- The higher you climb, the more leadership you need.

2) Law of the Influence:
- The major difference of leaders is on the influence.
- Leadership is influence and influencer makes things happen.
- The very essence of all power to influence lies in getting the people to participate.

3) Law of the Process:
- Leadership develop daily but not in a day.
- Everyone has the potential to be leaders.
- Leaders are born but successful leaders are learnt.
- It is the capability to develop and improves their skills to distinguish a leader from his followers.

4) Law of the Navigation:
- Everyone can steer a ship but leaders charge the course.
- Followers need leaders to be able to effectively navigate for them.
- A blueprint to navigate: PLAN AHEAD
- P: Pre-determine a course of action
- L: Lay out your goal
- A: Adjust your priorities
- N: Notify key personnel
- A: Allow time for acceptance
- H: Head off the essence
- E: Expect problems
- A: Always point to the sucesses
- D: Daily review your plan
- Preparations build confidence and trust in people