Rebirth of T-rex

Does dinosaur really extinct? What caused the dinosaur to vanish? Have you ever wonder whether the real 'you' is disappearing and slowly vanishing? Hope that through this blog, we will be able to maintain the real self.

A 'Heart' Alert

Posted by T-rex Lim Huat Heng

Upon returning from lunch, Ming, our colleague who didn't join us for lunch, told us that his friend, at his 30s, just diagnosed with coronary artery clog. My first reaction was, 'Ming, what did you just said?' Ming answered, 'My friend who is on his 30 plus just got a heart attack and need to undergo an operation (which I believe is called Angioplasty)'. After trying to find out more information from him, I shared with him what I have encountered two years back during my dad's stay in the hospital after a surgery.

During that time, my dad was suffering from water clogging in his brain as one of the side effects from the radiotherapy. I guess you must be wonder why water clog in the brain after the radiotherapy. Based on my understanding from the doctor, there are cells in our brain that are 'in-charge' of draining off water from the brain to be 'released' from our body. However, many of those cells were dead after the radiotherapy and water was not drained off, thus clogging in the brain.

Doctor has installed a B-P shunt to regulate the water in his brain, such that the 'extra' ones are drained off to his bladder through the narrow tube embedded within his body near the skin surface. He was there for the 'maintenance', to replace a small part of the tube that was clogged by tiny dead cells.

It was during that time, I saw a young man, at his 20s was admitted to this wad and was in coma state. Later we found out, he was working in KL and suddenly colapsed. Apparently they found that the blood vessels in his brain burst. He did not make it and passed away in the morning on the same day my dad was discharged from the hospital. I saw the sorrow of his crying family members upon receiving the bad news.

As I was writing this blog, I come across the website of 'CRY' for Cardiac Risk in the Young - Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). Once you enter the page, you will realize the highlighted statement of 'Every week, 8 'apparently' fit and healthy young people die in the UK from undiagnosed heart conditions.' At the same time, I also come across a useful nutritional tips for healthy heart by Julie Upton at Howstuffworks, which may be useful for our reference.

In fact, when I was on my way back home on the LRT, I was telling myself that I have a piece of important source of information about heart health and I must try to share with Ming and the rest at the soonest. Since it's part of my life crusade to help 1 million people through knowledge sharing, that's my duty to share about what I have learnt from a doctor who have survived for more than 25 years after suffered from two cancers. I met this doctor two years back in Singapore. I felt gratitute even though I had travelled all the way from KL to Singapore to attend her health seminar.

I understand the sense of urgency more this time, as I have also gone through several occasions of 'it's too late' and eventually the person I was trying to share the information with died not long after that. Therefore, Ming, please give me a day or two to compile what I have. I will be able to share with you at the soonest and hope that will also help you friend who have successfully gone through the surgery.