Rebirth of T-rex

Does dinosaur really extinct? What caused the dinosaur to vanish? Have you ever wonder whether the real 'you' is disappearing and slowly vanishing? Hope that through this blog, we will be able to maintain the real self.

Changing My Life

Posted by T-rex Lim Huat Heng

Today, I have a great time with my friend/leader who helped/trained me to see things differently. He shared with me many insights and we have gone through some motivation materials by Anthony Robbins. Thus, I would share with you some essence I managed to capture (quoted from Anthony Robbins):

1) "The past is not equivalent to the future".

2) In order to change our life, we need to know where we are heading (our goal), make a decision to achieve it (take action), evaluate the result and change our approach if it's not working.

3) Use role models or learn from people who have succeed to help us speed up our pace to achieve success.

4) "Failure and Fear can be your best friend".

5) "Everything we do is driven by need to avoid pain and desire to gain pleasure". Thus, when changing your behavior, focus on how not changing is more painful than changing and how changing brings more pleasure.

6) "Use pain and pleasure instead of pain and pleasure use you"


Mandy said...

Thanks for sharing ko ko. :)