Rebirth of T-rex

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Migrating from Tomcat 5.0.28 to Tomcat 5.5.4

Posted by T-rex Lim Huat Heng

I was working on a project last week in which the application was initially deployed in Tomcat 5.0.28 in my local PC. As I would like to evaluate how JDK 5.0 perform in my local PC, I tried my luck in migrating the application to Tomcat 5.5.4, which is intended for supporting JDK 5.0.

The migration was quite a straight forward process as I just need to change the path for JAVA_HOME (pointing to where JDK 5.0 is installed, eg. c:\j2sdk1.5.0_01) and CATALINA_HOME (where the Tomcat 5.5.4 is installed, eg. c:\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4) in my system's environment variables; then add the context configuration file in CATALINA_HOME\conf\Catalina\localhost folder, in particularly myapp.xml.

The issue that I faced when the migration was performed was on the content of myapp.xml. I had the following the old myapp.xml:

<Context privileged="true" debug="0" path="/myapp" docBase="c:\software\IDE\eclipse-3.0.1\workspace\myapp">

<Resource name="jdbc/myappdb" type="javax.sql.DataSource" auth="Container">
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/myappdb">

However, after simplifying the above to the following, it was running well!
<Context privileged="true" debug="0" path="/myapp" docBase="c:\software\IDE\eclipse-3.0.1\workspace\myapp">

<Resource name="jdbc/myappdb" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:dev" username="myappusrid" password="myapppwd" type="javax.sql.DataSource" auth="Container" driverclassname="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" maxactive="20" maxidle="10" maxwait="-1">

Enjoy and good luck!


Amadeus B.V 勇瑜 said...

wah, it really simplifies da original one alot... dunnit to type so many irritating codes di...

T-rex Lim Huat Heng said...

I guess it's just a matter of making the generalized element into some specific attributes. I agree that it reduces the number of lines, however, usually you only need to write this once when deploying the application, so I would say, not too much of different :)